Saturday, October 29, 2022

Romance and Our Finances

For perhaps as long as love has been a part of human society, currency or trade have also played their parts; the two often cross paths, for better or worse and make for an interesting look at two of the most highly sought after fundamentals of our world. 

Buying love with money: Phrasing the idea in such blunt terms is often a little off putting for many individuals who believe that love isn't for sale. A gift given from person to another is not always the result of great expense, or in some cases any monetary expense at all, however in a world where the phrase time is money exists how can one eliminate the idea that a certain amount of affection or approval has just been, for all intents and purposes, purchased? It can be difficult to determine a person's feelings for another where money is involved. Most people would agree that gifts are a healthy expression of individuals' feelings, but would at the same time be offended by the idea that love can be purchased for the right price. If we look back not too many years ago, at a world where women in particular, though not exclusively, found that without the aid of a husband or relative they were nearly unable to support themselves it is easy to understand how such feelings could indeed be purchased. 

Considering the level of poverty so many people shared, the idea that a person could break free from such living conditions through the generosity (or sometimes just lust,) of another person would have extreme and lasting emotional consequences. In many cases, a prosperous marriage meant not only that a woman would never go hungry again, but that her family would also be provided for. While in some of these examples real love may have originated without the involvement of wealth; many of them were simply a trade, beautiful daughter or son, in exchange for financial security. In some cases this would be referred to as lust not love, but for many people the overwhelming sense of desire can easily be perceived as just such an emotion. Where some of these relationships may have begun with a pretty face or attractive body, the desire to take care of and provide for an individual suggests feelings that run a little deeper than pure desire. Though the idea may not be particularly appealing to many, it does beg the question: can love be bought? 

Lust for sale? Amoral to some and illegal in many places the concept of buying a little physical action from a person for a set price is one of the oldest topics of debate throughout the world. Whether you believe it wrong or right, or simply don't think about it, purchasing desire has been widely available in every country throughout the world as far back as any records can show. While lust does not share many of the same feelings with love it has certain powerful qualities that have driven many men and women to reach deep into their pocket books. In this case the person making the purchase is unlikely to invoke feelings of love from the person they are paying, but is it possible that some emotional attachment, some facsimile of love will come with it? Though it might be in many ways false love, the illusion can be extremely convincing. This is example of just how convincing can be seen in the well known gold digger, though perhaps not a very flattering term to use the concept is quite accurate: a person who marries are aligns themselves with another person who has the means to care for them, in many cases more than care for, providing substantial wealth. 

Though some might say there is a difference between a prostitute and a person who marries for money, it can be difficult to know where the line is drawn. On the other hand, a person who is attracted to another, at least in part, because that person could provide a comfortable, even lavish lifestyle, can hardly be blamed for finding the prospect appealing. Is it wrong to be attracted to a person for their money? Is it wrong to use your wealth in an attempt to attract others? These questions are ages old and yet still without definite answers from almost every society. Putting legalities aside, for most reasonable people it presents quite problem: is it fair to judge others for how they wish to live their lives? Most would say no. On the other hand the idea of selling sex for money has for many years been associated with other illegal and sometimes dangerous activities that tend take place in the same locations. Amoral or not, it is a true reflection of our growth as a society that these desires often outweigh logic; whether for or against, the emotional response is usually one sided and without thought to the oppositions' feelings or opinions. 

Money and relationships: It has been recorded numerous times that one of the most common reasons for couples splitting up is finance. Some attempt to avoid this issue by keeping separate bank accounts and treating the relationship, in terms of money, more like a roommate situation than a romantic one. In other situations one person entirely supports another financially while the other remains at home, perhaps attending school, pursing a creative profession or even more commonly to raise a family. However you and your partner have decided to address your financial decisions during stressful moments problems can be difficult to avoid. A few tips to keep in mind when dealing with this issue:

  • Financial difficulty cannot always be attributed to one or both people; in certain situations it can be extremely difficult to deal with poverty or limited funds, remember not to place blame simply because the situation is frustrating. 
  • If trying to cut back on overspending, remember to cut on equal sides; it can be a stressful endeavor to eliminate certain excess from your life, remember that your partner feels the same way about their own. 
  • However terrible the situation, try to find things to laugh about with each other, it won't be easy but it can help to create a feeling of unity. 
  • If one person is supporting another and this situation met with approval on both sides, don't throw blame out simply because financial problems have occurred by reminding a person that they are not bringing an income into the relationship, especially for those that accomplish a great deal at home, though it might not be paid work, it can be extremely hurtful and will not be forgotten even if the situation improves. 
  • Do not try to hide financial problems from your significant other; often these issues are much better to face as a solid unit and a great deal of stress can be eliminated by sharing the burden.
  • Forcing your partner to bear the positive attitude so that you can continue to panic or sulk is also unhelpful; regardless of your usual dynamic, try to be strong for your partner in these unhappy times. 
  • When possible, if nothing can be done at the time to correct the situation, seek distraction with your partner, putting distance, at least temporarily between your relationship and finances. 
Will the ties between money and love ever come to an end? Most likely not, as long as our society continues to include both aspects in it. To keep one from injuring the other requires patience, understanding and at times, accepting what you don't understand. The long history for both weaves an intricate web of human development that is still just as alluring and confusing today as it was thousands of years ago.

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Sunday, October 23, 2022

Financial Success Habits and Our Old Beliefs

Are you struggling with your money goals and your finance goals? I think a lot of people are these days, especially with the current economic climate right? Why do we all struggle with these goals to achieve in life? Why do we grapple with issues around accomplishing a goal in terms of our finances? In my experience, this is all deep in our subconscious and goes back to our childhood and throughout our teen and adult life. 

In the past couple of years, I have been blessed to see some of the most successful business men and women in the world. I have sat for hours as they speak about how they struggled to overcome their own struggles with their money goals and finance goals. I have listened to speakers who slept on the streets, slept in train stations etc... to conquer their money goals and finally learn how to set life goals! I have seen the pain in their eyes and the emotional attachment that this period still has with them. 

Why do people go through periods of struggle with their money and finance goals? Well, when you think about it, as kids we are very much subjected to a lot of "myths" about money and how it is viewed by society. Have you ever heard some of these common myths before... 

  • Money is the root of all evil 
  • Getting rich is a matter of luck or fate 
  • Having a lot of money will make me less spiritual or pure 
  • Money will change me 
  • Money won't make me happy 
  • I'm too young to be rich
  • I'm too old to start making money
  • I don't deserve or not worthy of money 
  • I'm already quite comfortable
  • I don't need to push myself 

I bet these sayings are familiar to the majority of you? We struggle with our money goals and finance goals because we have been so conditioned by phrases like "I'm not made of money" or "Money doesn't grow on trees", that it is inherent in our subconscious. It is almost like a disease and we don't even realize it! I have been very lucky to attend various seminars on this subject that have really brought this to my conscious mind. When something is conscious, we can train the brain so that success in our money goals and finance goals becomes habitual. 

After attending seminars, reading books and being more aware of these myths and negative stories we have all heard about, I began to realise that this severely impacts our goals to achieve in life, in such a negative way. I then started to see things differently and made an observation that many people I have spoken to lately, have agreed with. What we watch on TV has a big impact on our money goals and finance goals! 

I grew up in the "Disney" era, where my beliefs on money stemmed from my childhood and romantic movies and books. I would live happily ever after, Prince Charming would always look after me. My childhood toys were Barbie having a fabulous life with Ken. Outside of Barbie dolls, I had toys such as a pram to push my kids in, a toy cooker, plastic tea set and a toy convertible car and caravan that Ken bought me. I had make-up, shoes and princess dress-up outfits, a plastic girl's head for practicing hairstyles.

Growing older, I continue to buy these "so called toys" into my adult life- clothes, shoes, handbags, expensive cars, designer make-up, frequent holidays and high self maintenance activities. I spiralled into a lot of debt.

Fast forward paying off the credit cards, loans and eventually getting myself out of debt, I started to then seriously focus on my financial habits and following others. Once you start to model and try to replicate successful people, you see things with new eyes. I often speak so highly of the seminars and the business speakers that I have been privileged to see live. After spending three full days at an event on "money goals" 3 years ago, someone once remarked that I was in a "cult". It made me think, perhaps I have been in a "cult" with my money goals and finance goals before I began to see the light that the successful gurus have shown me. 

So I guess its time to debunk some of the myths above and leave you with some new belief systems to mull over: 

1) Making money doesn't restrict freedom, it PROMOTES freedom 

2) To master money, I must MANAGE money 

3) Wealthy and successful people aren't smarter than me, they just have better money management Financial HABITS 

Some people think that the concept of changing your mindset is all "mumbo jumbo". 

I beg to differ. I think that if we begin to look at things with new eyes, that we can really start to focus on our money goals and finance goals. In fact, you can focus on new ways to achieve your goals in life! So what are your new money associations? 

Fill in the blank: Money is__________ 

Only 20% of people set goals. 

The other 80% think they have goals... but these are only wishes! 

Are you open to some different perspectives on how to set and achieve goals?

If so, check out

We support you with goal setting, getting clarity on a vision for your life and turning your dreams into reality. We give you the GPS to your "Moneymoon Destination".

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Women and Finance: Household CFOs

In more and more households, it is the women sorting the mail and email as it comes in, separating the bills and ensuring they get paid on time via their online bill pay system. Women also typically continue to make day-to-day purchasing decisions that have a lasting impact on a family's finances, such as where to make grocery and clothing purchases, and whether to use club cards or discount vouchers. In addition, many women have taken on increasingly complex financial tasks, such as eliminating credit card debt, investing for retirement, saving for their children's education, and engaging in family estate planning. 

The Household CFO (Chief Financial Officer): An Old Term that is making a comeback.

Yes, we are undertaking these tasks but no one is taking it a step further. When we have money saved, what do we do with it?. Many of us have grown up believing that the Banks are a solution. They are not but where else do you go?  Yes, some businesses that provide financial services are beginning to cater to even more women and to give us the respect we deserve. But can we trust them?

Women and Finance: Doing it Their Way 

As marketers, web designers, sales people, financial advisors and other business professionals learn to target women more effectively, they are consistently realising that women think differently about finance than men do. 

Here are some strategies that these professionals should keep in mind as they target women in finance.  

1. We are voracious information gatherers. And we like to get our information in community settings. This is where Femvestorsglobal support you as we will certainly carry this appetite for information-gathering into your finance habits. 

2. Many, but not all women, lack confidence in their financial skills. This lack of confidence is somewhat ironic, because many of us are actually quite competent and so our lack of skill is often perceived, rather than real. 

Unfortunately, the Finance Industry has been a boy's club for centuries and we have been kept in the dark around how things operate. Femvestorsglobal can bridge this confidence gap by speaking in plain English, rather than attempting to impress you with financial jargon that the Professionals use to their advantage. 

3. We tend to thrive in networks. Femvestorsglobal created a Community to support you and hold your hand every step of the way.  Regardless of your time zone, time commitment or finances, we cater for YOU. We listened to what you needed and created a global solution to this issue. 

4. Our values are Honesty, Integrity and Trust. Yes, it takes time to build trust, once you are in our network, you will see the difference we will make to your life and your loved ones. We are true to who we are. 

There are certainly companies and whole industries that have not gotten the memo. We certainly listened to You and created our Community for You.

Check us out at to see how we can support you!

Sunday, October 9, 2022

5 Ways to Reduce your Spending & Create Immediate Money to Start Investing

Most of us are well aware that in order to improve our finances and to become wealthy, we need to follow a process that takes us from being in debt to having financial assets that provide us with an income. 

If so many people are aware of this, why do so few ever acquire investments? 

There are two reasons: firstly, many of us are already living on more than our income each month, and so finding money to invest often seems unlikely. 

Secondly, there is a common misunderstanding that investing is complicated. 

Femvestorsglobal are here to tell you that it is not.

By following these five steps, you can easily save a regular amount of money sufficient to act as your investment money: 

1. Reduce your entertainment spending 

Chances are, you don't know exactly how much you spend on entertainment each month, and the total is probably higher than you would guess. Common entertainment splurges are alcoholic drinks, cigarettes, nights out drinking, trips to the cinema, Netflix, weekends away, holidays and family activities like bowling and swimming. All of these quickly add up, especially if you are paying for two (you and your spouse) or four (you, spouse and two children) people each time. Rather than seeing entertainment spending as a necessity, you must be realistic about the amount you can afford to spend on these things each month. What can you sacrifice to help your investment budget? 

2. Take control of our duplications

The things we buy time and time again, despite having similar things already. The obvious is 10 pairs of black shoes. How many black handbags, pairs of blue jeans, summer jackets or winter coats, luxurious bubble baths and shower gels, lipsticks, red nail varnish or excessive bedding for our home do we really need?  Identify what your duplications are and assess whether you need all of the items you have already. Sell any you don't use or pay attention to, and commit to not buying any of these items for a 6 -12 month period. Be aware that when you are around these items, you will feel a temptation to buy. Either avoid the malls and avoid scrolling on the internet online. 

Don't give in- Your future self will thankyou

3. Watch your food spending 

Meals to celebrate a birthday, the weekly grocery shop, the chocolates to cheer us up, the lunch bought each day at work, the ice cream while walking the dog, the Starbucks on the way to the office, extra treats for the kids, the takeaways when you're just too tired to cook... food spending takes up a huge chunk of our income each month. Unless your end goal is to be obese and unhealthy, this is a habit well worth overcoming right away. 

A shocking amount of food bought ends up being thrown away and wasted. You are literally throwing away a portion of your income each month by buying food that will not be used. To get your food spending under control, make sure you plan your meals in advance each week and buy accordingly, never go food shopping while hungry or without a list, and don't make the mistake of aimlessly wandering up and down every single aisle in the supermarket. 

Calculate how much your shopping will total and take that amount in cash - do not have a debit or credit card with you. If your shopping exceeds the amount of cash you have, replace some less essential items. Buy cheaper brands of cleaning products, toilet rolls and alcohol. Arrange alternative celebrations- don't treat food as a reward or comforter.

 4. Buy less 'treats' and stop impulse buys 

Do you have a gym membership? When was the last time you used it? The majority of people who have a gym membership will actually pay less over the course of a year if they cancel the membership and pay for each gym session as they attend. Cancel your membership now - unless you really go several times every single week. Consider your magazine and newspaper subscriptions. How many of these can you access free online? How many do you not even get around to reading properly? With the amount of free information available online, there is rarely a need to pay for any magazines or newspapers. 

If you're wondering how you will manage without these 'treats', consider if you are trying to hide from some real pain (a deep rooted issue) that can be better managed. 

5. Avoid ATMs

Give yourself a weekly budget and withdraw this amount at the beginning of the week. Then hide your credit and debit cards (or give them to a friend who will not give them back to you until the next week or put them in the freezer like I did and delete all payment apps on your mobile) and force yourself to spend just that amount. 

This will force you to closely examine your spending and will change the way you think about money and spending. 

By following these five steps, you will have an extra amount of free cash each month that can be invested however you choose. 

If you are new to investing, discuss your options with Femvestorsglobal. 

In no time at all, you will have an investment plan prepared and will be on the road to controlling your own finances. 

Our team are here to support you every step of the way. We offer a variety of programs at difference price points and timeframes so support you with your investing journey.

Saturday, October 1, 2022

How Do I Get Into Commercial Real Estate Investing?

First of all, commercial investing is not as hard as people think. There seems to be a stigma surrounding commercial investing. People think it's the big glass 100 million dollar buildings downtown. Sure, it is, but it's not always that. There are many different kinds of commercial investing that you can get into. You can start small and work your way up. It's not as hard as people think. It's not as hard to get funded, to find deals, and sometimes not as much work, once you have the deals. 

Everyone that owns commercial properties are not like Donald Trump. They don't all have their own TV shows, aren't in the news, aren't in the casinos, own sports teams, and don't have the perfect woman on their arm. It's just real people that own most of the commercial properties out there. People like you and me. It's the guy next store. The guy that owns a few Dunkin Donuts stores. There are all types of commercial properties. 

Let's talk about the basics. First off, what is commercial investing? When it houses a business, it's a commercial investment. Business parks, where it's one level, and there are many different buildings, those are commercial rented condos or business offices. It consists of office buildings in office parks. There are also industrial parks which look like office parks, but they are mostly blue collar businesses like manufacturers, warehouses, and storage places. This also includes strip malls where there are Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, UPS stores, etc. It's one building, one-story tall that's broken off into many different stores. Then we have our indoor malls where there are hundreds of stores inside, which include an anchor store, which is the main store, like a Decathlon or Target to get your attention. There are also office condos which house doctors, offices too. Also, we have warehouses, and even apartment houses. These are considered recession-proof properties. Assisted living facilities are commercial properties as well. Let's not forget about land. People are buying land and putting a cell tower or antennae on the land and making money. 

When you are out driving around, please pay attention to what you are seeing. Start noticing these commercial properties. Start thinking about commercial investing! Commercial investing adds a zero. You can do one deal a year in commercial investing and become a multi-millionaire. Some people have done one deal and it has changed their life, enabling them to retire. Don't let it intimidate you. It just has one more zero on the end! 

One of the things about commercial investing is that once you own the property, it's easier to maintain it because most of the time, you will let the pros handle it. You will have a management team to handle the payments, as well as attorneys and accountants handling the day to day work. There will be less day to day work once you own that commercial property, versus a residential property. Let's face it. If you own one piece of property with tenants in there, you know how much work that is. If you have a few properties, it's even more work dealing with tenants not paying, collections, disappearing tenants, and cleaning it out and finding new tenants. It's a lot of work! Virtually, you can pretty much have the pros do it for you. You can hire a management team, attorney, and accountant. Properties generally throw off enough monthly cash flow so that you can have it all taken care of for you. 

Anything you do with residential properties, you can do with commercial properties! You can buy and hold a house and rent it out, as well as a commercial property. You can wholesale it, get a contract on it, find someone to pay more, flip it, and step out of the deal. You never owned it. You get your finders' fee or spread, but instead of making $3,000 or $8,000, you can start making $50,000 to $200,000 just by flipping commercial deals. Just add another zero or two! Don't let it intimidate you! 

You can also lease commercial properties with the option to buy and make the big bucks! 

All of the same techniques you can use with houses, you can use with commercial properties. Note that one of the main differences is how you get the value. You can have two apartment buildings across the street from each other or in the same complex, and both apartment buildings can be identical. But, if one is 30% occupied and one is 70% occupied, and the first one is worth $700,000 and the next one worth 3 or 4 million, the only difference is how much it's occupied. How do you make big money fast in commercial investing? You find the one that is 30% occupied, find 5 or 6 tenants and bring it up to 70% occupied, and then you sell, get out of it, and make the spread. You can double or quadruple the cost or equity of commercial property by controlling it, filling it, and then getting out of it. It's a beautiful thing! 

Don't let commercial investing intimidate you. Add a couple of zero's to the profit! Consider opening your mind about commercial investing. Start thinking big! 

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