As with most skills, talents, and overall 'education' gained throughout a lifetime of experiences, remember - practice makes perfect, and consistency is key. We suggest that when imparting knowledge of finances; from children saving change in a piggy bank, to teenagers saving a percentage of an allowance or gifts in cash, working with them in a mentor role, as they start their very own bank accounts is critical to generational success.
Practice Makes Perfect
Every day, month, quarter and year, there are activities and habits needed to be accomplished consistently. This helps ground children in the basics of financial literacy, which are appropriate to their family wealth factors and long-term responsibilities such as philanthropy.
Children who will inherit significant wealth and the responsibilities that go along with it, require world-class preparation. Balancing income and outgoings and understanding compound interest is one thing, but managing assets, establishing a growth-mindset, and teaching a child to have vision, is another. Parents may have built up a very successful business, but your children may someday need to sit on the board and also approve the management of investments that support an extended family.
One way to engage children is to play off of their passions; otherwise, financial education will feel like classroom instruction. There are "family wealth advisors" who work with families to identify the things their children already have an interest in, and are willing to spend time pursuing such as a favorite sport or activity. From this identification, these counselors develop a learning program around the child's interest or passions as a theme.
The end goal is to help each family member of the next generation to have an individual 'economic vision statement,' and to have developed the skills required to realise their unique vision and support in turning the vision into a reality.
While many families want their children to understand the basic concepts and terms, their children need to go beyond the introductory level of money management to incorporate family values, such as those related to charitable giving or volunteering, as well as their particular interests in participating. Their 'economic vision statements' themselves will evolve as these children mature and become more focused in their individual interest and goals.
Consistency is Key
Every family takes for granted that if a child is going to be a proficient at tennis, golf or the piano, they need regular lessons, a great teacher, and practice. It's that same thing for financial education. And so, those kids who get practice, great instruction, and lessons do better." By incorporating the "passions" and interests of your children - regardless of age.
Those parents who hope a financial education specialist can take their kids and tutor them may have good intentions, but they're not taking necessary actions to address the challenge. Parents and children must be involved. To do it otherwise is just a waste of time and money, not every family has the appetite to take on this work. It's costly. It takes a fair investment of time. And it certainly requires all family members to begin to look at their actions in a different way. In general, there's certainly interest in financial education, but I think a lot of it is just trivial unless there's an ongoing commitment to the process. The commitment needs to be at least as powerful as the commitment to building the next pro golfer.
Planning for Financial literacy
Learning starts early - just as models of non-productive behavior do. While parents may have good intentions for raising money-mature children, they often fail to succeed because they don't move from 'soft' intentions to a realised program of financial education tailored to the age and interests of the next generation.
The kids who do well have parents who've gone from good intentions to being intentional. Every parent has the good intention for their children to grow up financially intelligent, but few of them really act on it. Parents who have a growth mindset, are committed to their intentions can help ensure the orderly transition of financial planning from parent to child.
Hot Tips:
- The prime age is between 6 and 14 for learning and building good, solid money skills
- Preparation for building and managing wealth is an on-going activity, if you want to create and sustain long term generational financial responsibility
- Consistency, planning and practice truly does make the real difference