Sunday, May 29, 2022

Are You Afraid To Invest In Yourself?

I am sure that you have heard this phrase: "Your business can only grow to the extent that you grow." If you are playing small, hiding out, procrastinating, doing it all yourself, undercharging, under-earning or over-delivering, then you are getting in your own way. Without a doubt, each of these actions or habits will stall your business growth, repel ideal clients and sabotage your success.

As an Angel Investor, I have worked with many business owners for years, and the number one mistake I see such entrepreneurs make these days is failing to invest in themselves at a high level. This failure keeps them-and their businesses-stuck, for the quickest way I know to help alleviate self-sabotaging behaviors and quickly get back on track is by investing in and working with a mentor. We can help you identify the behaviors that are holding you back and show you how to move forward. We can work with you to create a customised plan that is appropriate for you and your business. 

Here are 3 advantages to investing in yourself at a high level: 

1. You will Make a Higher Commitment to Yourself: When you pay, you pay attention and therefore if you invest in a high-level mentor, you'll be more committed to doing what is required. Because you're paying for their services, you'll be more likely to follow through with their recommendations. 

2. Your Energy Is More Focused: Because you're spending time (and money) to work on your business strategies with someone else, you'll become much more focused on achieving your desired results. You'll allocate time, clear out your diary, making sure to listen to, and follow, your mentor's expert guidance. This often results in attracting more ideal clients who are extremely committed and invested in their business success. 

3. You'll Be More Decisive: Since you'll be motivated to get a solid return on your investment, you'll finally get out of analysis paralysis and take action. 

A quick exercise: Keeping in mind your end goals of making more money and attracting your ideal clients into your business, take out a note pad and pen and list all of the areas in your business where you are not taking action AND/OR the areas in which you are just confused about what the next steps should be. Once you've completed this list, circle the top 3 things that need to be done to build your business now.

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Business Start Up Ideas For Women

Why Are Women Starting Businesses who are fabulous fifties and above

A lot of older workers are finding the job market very difficult these days. Instead of staying out of work or accepting lower pay, many are deciding that they may as well start their own business. Women over 50, in particular, are particularly attracted to the idea of being their own boss. 

  • These women say they want more flexibility, and having a business allows them to set their own schedule
  • The women want more control over their financial lives
  • The have an idea/vision, and being self employed gives them more job satisfaction

Let me mention that being self employed is not for everybody. Even though you may have more control over your work hours, you will still have to have determination and discipline to actually make your business prosper. Depending on whether you have an Entrepreneurial spirit or otherwise, certain individuals are much better off working for somebody else. 

I will say that you do not have to start out with rocket scientist skills or a lot of money to invest. In addition, you can start many businesses part time while you still attend to other duties or a "day job". 

What Type Of Business Should Women Start? 

The type of business you will start depends upon a few things. Your energy level, the way you like to work, and your own skills and interests are very important considerations. I tried to filter down these business ideas to things that would not require a lot of capital investment to start, and that could be started on a part time basis. 

Self-service laundry or Vending Machine Business

Most of the experienced owners say that purchasing a good, established route is the simplest way to get started. You will have to do your due diligence to make sure the route is really productive. But this relieves you of the chore of having to find locations to install equipment.

You will have to be responsible for collecting money, keeping the machines stocked, and making sure the machines are in good repair. You either have to do these things yourself, or you have to hire somebody to perform some of the functions. 

This is a good solution for people who like to be active, and who do not want to get stuck in an office all of the time. You will probably need to start out by doing a lot of the actual work yourself. However, if you expand your business, you may hire employees to do some of the work for you. 

Boutique Bakeries are in! 

Small, boutique bakeries, like cupcake or artisan bakeries, are very popular today. If you love to bake, this can be a good way to turn your specialty into a business. 

Depending on where you live, you may require a commercial kitchen. However, you may solve this problem by leasing space from a church or other organisation that does not use their own kitchen during certain hours. 

You can concentrate on perfecting your treats, marketing, and expanding your business. If your business grows, you may consider getting your own commercial kitchen space later. 

Book Keeping/Payroll/Accounting Services

Businesses need to keep track of their finances in good times and bad. You can find a lot of online classes, or you can draw upon your past experiences. This is one business you can perform out of your own home, or in client offices. 

Antique or thrift shop owner

If you’re crafty or artistic there’s a good chance you’ve considered how you could turn that skill into some extra cash, or maybe even a whole business.

Online shops like Etsy allow you to easily turn your crafting hobby into a stream of extra income.

Online e-commerce platforms are created specifically for helping you list your business and products online. Some of the most popular ones include Shopify and Squarespace. If you’re looking for something more simple you could also try selling on Facebook using Facebook’s business pages as your online shop.

What to consider before starting your own business

Even if you feel like you’re ready to start your own business, there are many factors to consider when choosing the type of small business you want to start. You might not be sure where to start, so here are some of the top considerations you should make before deciding on a business.

Will this be your main source of income, or in addition to the income you already make?

What will the business startup costs be? How much do you have to invest in the business as of now, will you need further financing and if so, where will it come from?

How much time do you want to spend on your business? This relates to the first one, is this your main job or a side gig?

Do you want to use skills you already have and monetise them? Or do you want to learn new skills entirely for this new business?

Are You Ready To Be Self Employed? 

Spend some time researching different business ideas. Try to find ideas that will not require a huge initial investment or a very long work week. As your business grows, you may decide to expand. People who start with a small and manageable business idea tend to do well. 

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Money Makeovers for Women

Many women believe we are unable to stand solidly on our own two feet when it comes to our financial lives. We might already be successful Entrepreneurs or Career women in our own right, maybe even Millionaires in the Expat Community, yet many tell me that if their partner died or left, they don't know what they would do regarding their finances. They don't believe they can understand the financial world, especially the investing part of that world. 

A lady last week told me she has turned her money over to someone else to invest and it has lost half its value and she just figures that's the way it is. This was a male broker who she thought was an expert.

One of my old colleagues makes plenty of money but she never pays her bills on time, never believes there will be enough and lives by the hard work model. She gives her children whatever they want but she doesn't take care of herself by paying bills on time, she doesn't know where her money is going and is unable to manage her spending.

Another woman in business knows she must do something about her retirement account so she finally meets with an advisor her partner recommends. She turns her money over to him, walks away and hopes for the best.

Another woman that attended one of my events had always managed her own finances and investing and did an amazing job. However, she got re-married later in life to a man who wanted to take care of everything- including both of their financial positions. As a couple they did not discuss finances and she handed everything over to him to take care of. He promptly lost everything they had. There is a health situation and are now facing retirement with limited financial resources. This was a woman who had been successful yet still turned everything over to someone else.

These are all very bright and successful women. I wanted to find out why this was happening. This is why I created Femvestorsglobal, to provide women with knowledge and confidence so you can maintain your financial fabulousness and not outsource this to anyone else. I knew it didn't have to be this way and I became determined to help create a change in this area of women's lives. 

My real passion and commitment is to change the statistics that 1 in 5 working women today are retiring with zero.1 in 3 women are also victims of Domestic Violence and stay in relationships as they have no other means to financially survive. I want you to live the life you were meant to live. Money is a vehicle that can either disempower us or empower us in so many ways. 

I want to support you in becoming completely free and independent and living from your innate power and aliveness. This is why I continue to write these free blogs. Now, what can you do right now to begin to change the relationship you have to money?

Join our Community and become financially fabulous.

To begin, you need to begin......Today is a great day to start!

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Why Women Make Better Traders and Investors Than Men

I am often asked whether men or women make better stock market traders and investors. My answer has always been women, and I continue to be proved right. 

According to the Fidelity Investments’ 2021 Women and Investing Study, On average, women investors achieve positive returns and surpass men by 40 basis points, or 0.4%, an analysis of annual performance across 5.2 million accounts from January 2011 to December 2020 shows.

Apart from being proved right, what is even more encouraging is that both the men and women outperformed the money men of the city. If it is therefore possible for these ordinary investors to outperform the so called professionals, why don't more people handle their own investments? I have no doubt there are many reasons including, a lack of both time and knowledge, but I personally believe the main reason to be fear. 

The world of finance can seem intimidating and complex and it is an impression those on the inside do little to dispel. However, what they sometimes forget is that without the contribution of those on the "outside" this world would not exist at all. The money fuelling this industry comes from the everyday activities of ordinary men and women and from the mundane markets such as savings and pensions.

For women it is even more important that they overcome this fear as within the next generation they are forecast to own over 60% of all personal assets, the first time this has ever happened. More women are starting businesses and soon there are going to be more women millionaires than men. Many companies have recognised this trend and have been quick to develop specialist services, yet the financial industry seems extremely resistant to this trend, with only a handful making half hearted attempts. In general they only pay lip service to this huge and growing market.

Women make better traders and investors for many reasons. 

Firstly, and most importantly, women are prepared to listen, admit any mistakes and learn from them. Men, on the other hand, will blame the market or their advisers, rather than their own judgment and will stick doggedly to a view even when the facts are obvious that they are in fact wrong. Getting a man to admit an error of judgement or that they have made a mistake is very rare. In the trading world this can be a costly personality trait, and yet it is a common one in men. Ask most men the reason for this and they will answer that admitting a mistake is a sign of weakness. As all women know, it is in fact the reverse. 

A classic behaviour is in map reading. All men think they are natural navigators and will refuse the offer of help even when completely lost, preferring to carry on until they find some recognisable landmark. This is generally miles from where they wanted to be yet this small success will be offered in vindication of the major  strength. Accepting a loss and moving on is one of the key characteristics that defines a good trader from one who will be wiped out very quickly. 

Women are happy to learn, men are not. Give the same piece of technical equipment to a man and women and observe the different approaches. The man will not read the manual, but attempt to use the equipment straight from the box. Invariably this fails, but reading the manual is a last resort for the male, who ploughs on regardless until finally admitting defeat and is forced to grudgingly read the instructions. The woman on the other hand will probably read the manual first before attempting to use the equipment. If both are doing it together then conflict ensues! 

Finally women make better traders as ironically they are more able to remove emotion from the trades. Men will become irate and take it as a personal insult when trades go wrong, whilst women are more philosophical about the loss and take a more dispassionate view. Being able to trade without emotion is one of the keys to success in the financial markets - just ask any successfully trader - this is a business and not personal. 

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