Sunday, May 29, 2022

Are You Afraid To Invest In Yourself?

I am sure that you have heard this phrase: "Your business can only grow to the extent that you grow." If you are playing small, hiding out, procrastinating, doing it all yourself, undercharging, under-earning or over-delivering, then you are getting in your own way. Without a doubt, each of these actions or habits will stall your business growth, repel ideal clients and sabotage your success.

As an Angel Investor, I have worked with many business owners for years, and the number one mistake I see such entrepreneurs make these days is failing to invest in themselves at a high level. This failure keeps them-and their businesses-stuck, for the quickest way I know to help alleviate self-sabotaging behaviors and quickly get back on track is by investing in and working with a mentor. We can help you identify the behaviors that are holding you back and show you how to move forward. We can work with you to create a customised plan that is appropriate for you and your business. 

Here are 3 advantages to investing in yourself at a high level: 

1. You will Make a Higher Commitment to Yourself: When you pay, you pay attention and therefore if you invest in a high-level mentor, you'll be more committed to doing what is required. Because you're paying for their services, you'll be more likely to follow through with their recommendations. 

2. Your Energy Is More Focused: Because you're spending time (and money) to work on your business strategies with someone else, you'll become much more focused on achieving your desired results. You'll allocate time, clear out your diary, making sure to listen to, and follow, your mentor's expert guidance. This often results in attracting more ideal clients who are extremely committed and invested in their business success. 

3. You'll Be More Decisive: Since you'll be motivated to get a solid return on your investment, you'll finally get out of analysis paralysis and take action. 

A quick exercise: Keeping in mind your end goals of making more money and attracting your ideal clients into your business, take out a note pad and pen and list all of the areas in your business where you are not taking action AND/OR the areas in which you are just confused about what the next steps should be. Once you've completed this list, circle the top 3 things that need to be done to build your business now.

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