Are you sick of living your life on credit? Would you like to have a lump sum of money you can fall back on if unforeseen circumstances strike? How about the ability to generate passive income so that you can choose how you live your life, where and with whom you spend the most precious commodity - time?
There are only two excuses or reasons why people fail to take action on their dreams so they can live their ideal life. Not enough time or not enough money. These two key areas in our lives limit us and our potential, instilling fear that if we were to take a risk chances are we would fail. The focus generally goes to the negative and undesirable outcome which is what become reality. I would like to give you the tools and strategies to get your finances back on track and design a life that is heading towards you having your perfect ideal average day.
The perfect ideal average day is one that is just that - average! You are not on holidays or doing things that are unusual. It is simply how you would spend your time if you had the choice to do whatever you like. You may decide to start your days late, read, socialise or go shopping. Whichever way you see it is perfect for you.
Did you know that more than 25% of people have only 1 month of savings for emergencies in developed countries such as Australia and America? 64% also live pay check to pay check which is a statistic that continues to grow over the years.
Family budgets; I get asked 'What for?' It is staggering to know that people don't have a concept of what is going in, coming out and whether they can afford the lifestyle they are living. This is very scary and unfortunate especially when these individuals start having children and the cost of living jumps up to a new level with often less income and higher expenditure.
I would like to share with you some of the secrets to improve your finances and start generating wealth that will see you live out your life in luxury rather than in lack. One other famous statistic to become familiar with is: By the time people reach retirement age:
- 1-2% are wealthy
- circa 78% are on welfare and/or heavily supported by family members
- 20% are dead
Which statistic would you like to belong to when you retire?
Our education around finances starts very early in life. Think about who you had as a role model around you growing up. Were they good with money or just made ends meet at the end of each pay cycle? Our beliefs about how we manage money and more importantly how we make it are set well before we turn 10 years of age.
It is very important to know what you believe about money and finances comes from and if necessary to start creating new beliefs that will serve you going forward.
I would like to illustrate how beliefs around money are created by sharing my story in this particular area. I grew up in UK and money was never spoken about in our house. I never learned anything about money as it was never discussed in my environment- whether at home, school or with friends. I grew up believing that whatever I earnt I could spend, saving was foreign to me. Everything I earnt in my teens would be predominantly spent on Consumerism.
In my late teens and 20's, I fell in love with credit cards. As fast as I could earn I could spend. I believed that credit cards were the banks money and not mine until I received the bill. I made poor decisions and got into a lot of debt, this built up over several years. I finally threw myself into my career to pay of all my debts. Saving and investing did not occur until my mid-late 20's.
My mindset has now grown to a level that I continue to invest in my education to learn new tools and strategies that get me ahead in my finances. This is why I teach women so they can learn from my mistakes. 80% proceeds of my business goes to those without a voice.