Sunday, February 6, 2022

Ladies - When Are We Going to Wake Up?

Today's' woman has the all the options in the world, or do we? After all "We've come a long way" But we need to ask ourselves, "Where have we come to?" 

Please read the following statistics: 

  • 49% of women over the age of 50 are single and it's on the increase
  • Women's retirement income is 26% less than that of men
  • 50% of 1st Marriages end in divorce
  • 60% of 2nd Marriages end in Divorce
  • The average female is expected to remain in the workforce until 74 due to a lack of financial resources
  • Married Baby Boomers are expected to outlive their husbands by 6 years
  • Of the elderly living in poverty, 3 out of 4 are women. 80% were not poor when their husbands were alive

As women we need to stop making excuses and start playing catch up! 

We cannot count on our husbands, our retirement funds or a Life Insurance policy to take care of us post our working years

The good news is that no matter what your age, there are many great vehicles to help you amass a sizable nest egg which can be invested into a cash flow vehicle

This means you will have additional income which will arrive each month to spend or save as you need. Convinced? Great! 

The next thing you will ask is "Where do I begin?" Glad you asked, if you follow these simple steps you will begin on the journey to financial freedom

1. Stop making excuses. I have heard it over and over "I am not smart enough" or "I don't have the time". Picture yourself in a dingy apartment eating cat food, and you will change your mind

 2. Self-educate 

3. Learn from others

4. Get out of debt

5. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Get into investing- Real Estate, Index funds, ETF's, stocks to name a few. This is how all millionaires become wealthy. Your goal is to derive income from multiple sources 

6. Personal Development. You have to change your mindset to believe you are worthy

You need to understand how you got to where you are so you do not repeat your mistakes 

If you have a poverty mentality-get rid of it! 

If you are addicted to shopping, find out why and overcome it! Your only hope of success is to change your mindset. 

Remember the definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting different results! 

These 6 things are a good start to get you on the road to wealth creation. 

If you don't look out for yourself financially who will? 

Don't expect family or the government to be there

Make a change now or live with regret

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