Regardless of marital status and current financial situation, even if you are well off right now things can change fast- redundancy, divorce, separation, business foreclosure, medical conditions, high household debt or even debts incurred by your partner that you are liable for (such as gambling or personal loans).
Nevertheless, here are some techniques to secure your financial future. Noting that the below will go along way towards protecting you, no matter what life has in store:
If you're married, open your own savings account, in addition to the accounts you have with your husband or partner - which should include a joint emergency fund worth about 10% of your combined income - put aside 10% of your personal annual income in your own name, Why? Because either one of you can clean out a joint account at any time furthermore, having a savings account in your own name - without your husband or boyfriend - ensures that you have funds available in case of disaster, illness, or disability.
Get your own credit card. Having at least one card in your own name that you use regularly establishes your credit history; if you're married, it will give you some protection if anything goes wrong with your husband's credit. Good credit is crucial for everything from getting a low mortgage rate to opening a mobile phone account. Open a retirement account if you do not have one.
Here is a scary statistical study: 2.5 million US women age 65 and over live in poverty - more than twice the number of men in poverty in that age bracket. So, whether you're single or married, you need your own retirement account. Not only does your own retirement account protect you in case of divorce, its fun to control the investment options. Join your plan at work if your company offers one. Although many experts recommend saving 10% of your income for retirement, even if you're saving only the minimum, a little bit will make a big difference over time.
Plan for the worst, if anyone depends on your income or your husband's income - like your kids, an aging parent, or even yourself - you both need enough life insurance to support those dependents in case one of you dies unexpectedly. Most single people without kids don't need insurance, unless they support another family member.
A rough rule of thumb: Insure your husband/partner for 7 to 10 times his salary, if the family depends on your income; use the same rule for your own life insurance. And if either you or your partner is not working, consider a minimum of $250,000. Most people won't necessarily need life insurance forever - usually just until your kids can earn their own income. That's why it's a smart move to buy "term insurance," which covers you for a set period of time - say, 20 years.
If you support a family member who will never be able to live independently - like a disabled child or parent - or if you'd like your spouse to be protected through your old age, you should consider "permanent insurance," such as whole-life policies. These cost more but cover you for your entire life as long as you pay the premiums.
Get organised. In an emergency, you don't want to waste time rummaging for important papers or passwords. Once a year, list all your bank accounts, credit cards, loans, investments, insurance policies, and other financial data in one place - keep it all on paper with any PIN numbers or access codes in a safe-deposit box or other safe location, or in a secure computer file. You also need to list the name of your lawyer, where your will is, and details about any other assets you have.
Build your own relationships. Develop your own relationship with any financial professionals that you use in your family, The worst time to try to make that happen is after an emotional situation, like a death or divorce. Attend all appointments and sit in on all phone calls with financial planners - and ask as many questions as it takes for you to truly understand your financial picture. Above all, don't sign any financial documents without knowing what they mean. If you take steps now to build relationships and understand your finances as a whole, you - and your money - will be better off.
Lastly, invest your money to the wisely. Here are the things to be considered in choosing your investment options: Security, Legality, check for hidden charges and Low transaction fees, offers premier services, Convenience and Stability
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